Hana is really on the move! She's commando crawling (and chasing kitties) and getting up on her hands and knees and rocking.
Just a couple of days after that she started pushing herself to sitting and then pulling herself up to stand. Now, she wants to grab anything to pull up.
She's making good use of Mieko's ballerina bar, though she's not taking too many steps along the bar. She can take several steps while we hold her hands. She's also turned up the volume on her voice and makes more new sounds. She's very good at saying "Da-Da" and clicking. Shawn also thought he heard her say" Ca-na-DA". We do live relatively close to the border. She goes out walking several times a day with Daddy and loves to swing in the park.
We've donated a tree for Mieko at McQuillan Park near our house. We're still waiting for the plaque to be installed. We'll share pictures soon. As we approach the one year annivesary of Mieko's passing, this tree and what it symbolizes brings us comfort.
We're looking forward to going to the balloon release at the SOFT (Support Organization for Trisomy 13, 18 and Related Disorders) Conference coming up in Roanoke. It will be great to connect with old friends and introduce Hana.
We cherished all the years we spent with Mieko and the joy she brought to our lives. It' s hard to believe sometimes that we're still going on without her. We miss her smile, gentle spirit, and unconditional love every moment. We were very lucky to be her family. We miss you, Little Kitty. You are always in our hearts.