Hana is now one month old! She's been very busy lately meeting new friends. We had a wonderful visit from my friends from South Pasadena: Jackie, Lara, and Stephanie. They flew in from the L.A., San Francisco, and Boston areas just to see Hana and spend some serious girl time together. Of course, we all took Hana to the Mall of America. We also enjoyed some great food and played some Dance Dance Revolution. We even talked to our friend Jessica via Skype. She lives in Canberra, Australia with her husband and little girl. It was the best time!
Hana seems to be growing and doing all the things babies need to do, which is mostly sleep. We're still trying to learn her cues, but luckily she's been pretty agreeable unless she's hungry. It seems she's been awake more of the time lately. She can be really alert and likes to focus on faces, a lot like her big sister did.
She finally had the chance to meet the Tuesday night Knitters at Borealis this week. Of course, she was wearing some of their lovely handknit gifts. She's been the third baby girl born this year to someone in the group. It's been wonderful sharing all of these moments.
Shawn has been able to take some time off and it's been great spending time together . This really is a whole new world for us. We're looking forward to watching Hana grow and change. We never really let ourselves think too far into the future before since Mieko's health was so uncertain. We know we have a great deal to look forward to, but we can't help but wish Mieko could be here to see her baby sister and enjoy her as much as we do. We know we'll be missing her a lot during the upcoming holidays, but we're also going to make sure we incorporate her memory into our celebrations. Though it will be much different, we will try to remember there is still a great deal to be thankful for.
Yeah Maya!! Your post looks great. I really like all the pics. It was so nice to meet Hana in person. I was waiting and waiting and so happy to finally meet her. She is amazingly calm and just a precious little gal. You didn't happen to lose your camera lens cover, did you? We found one on the table at Borealis. Chat with you soon.
I love to check in to see the new pics. She is so precious just like her big sis Mieko. I love the knit cap, for Halloween I stayed up all night so she could wear her candy corn knit cap to school for fun hat day. Glad she is doing good as you enter into this Blessed Holiday Season. I still find myself mentioning Mieko as our Hero to her therapist or drs. as to follow what all she attained.
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