We've been getting used to new routines, now that the holidays are over. I went back to work earlier in January. Hana has been taking a bottle pretty well, but she wakes up more often at night. Instead of once a night, she now gets up about three times a night. She doesn't usually stay up, but either wants to eat or take a pacifier. We're really hoping for some longer stretches soon. However, the work schedule is fine. On Fridays, one of Mieko's former care attendants and another college student take care of Hana. Daddy has her all weekend. He's anxious for the weather to get warmer, so they can walk the neighborhood. Until then, it's trips to the Mall of America or snuggling up with a good book.
Hana had her two month appointment in January and her first shots. She did pretty well. Sorry this info is so delayed, but on January 7th she weighed 12 pounds and 2 ounces and was 24 inches long. She's in the 66% for weight and 78% height. I don't know where the height comes from, definitely not from the Nishikawas. As you can tell from her cheeks, she doesn't miss too many meals.
Hana seems to be getting more interested in her hands. She's grabbing toys more often and batting at things. She's still cooing away, which we love. She also really likes being on her feet. We've been putting her on the exersaucer with a pillow underneath, since she can't reach the bottom. She really likes being upright and seeing things.
We started Baby Ballroom with Meghan. Hana's in a class with three little boys, all a little older. She seems to like the movement as well as the songs and parachute time. It's fun to dance around with the babies and let them look at each others like partners. Hana also likes to admire herself in the mirror, of course. Mieko always loved the dancing and it's nice to carry on this tradition. This session we're re-learning Tango, Salsa, and Rhumba. It's all coming back to me. We'll be continuing for a few weeks with the New Parent Connection class at United as well. We're also thinking about baby yoga. We like to be busy, even if it is cold.
Lastly, we want to wish Grandpa Mits a happy 70th birthday! Woo hoo! We'll be seeing him and all the family and friends in California in early April for Spring Break and my cousin Jeff's wedding. Until then, we're thinking warm thoughts. For those of you outside Minnesota, it's been the coldest January in 30 years!
the new pictures are precious...one word, commercials!
I LOVE the cheeks! and I am so jealous that someone gets to babysit Hana every week! thanks for the post :)
Cutie.. cutie!! Love the photo of dad and Hana reading! That's right, start the literacy program early.
I am so glad everything is going so well. i am praying that she will sleep for longer stretches so you two can get more rest. i love the pictures that you post for us to see. Among us mom's Mieko continues to be discussed as such a stronger fighter and how we can get our girls to do what all she accomplished. What a lasting impact her precious life made around the word.
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