Hana was great during her first plane ride. As you can see, she felt right at home. After only a little fussing, she slept the rest of the way to Los Angeles. The next day, we drove to the Sacramento area with Grandma and Grandpa for my cousin Jeff's wedding. Hana enjoyed meeting all of the family members there, some Shawn and I hadn't seen for many years. As you can tell, her cousins were very intrigued.
The wedding was in a small town called Walnut Grove and the reception was nearby at a huge mansion in the middle of orchards.
Next, we drove to Corte Madera north of San Francisco to see Shawn's brother Dave and his family. We got to watch cousin Nick play some baseball and cousin Emily introduced us to their new kittens Cooper and Chloe.
On our way back to L.A., we also visited our friends Genie and Pat Hoggard in San Jose. We strolled through the San Jose rose garden while catching up.
We spent the rest of the time visiting with friends and family in L.A. and , of course, eating our favorite foods and searching out new delicacies to try. Shawn had his pilgrimage to L.A.'s #1 taco truck, which parks in front of Nishikawa Auto Service in Pasadena.
We also had fresh, handmade tofu from Meiji Tofu in Gardena. The biggest thing in L.A. right now is Korean Tacos from the Kogi BBQ truck.
Grandma and I waited 2 and a half hours for these tacos. They were really good, but I don't think I'd ever wait that long for any food again.
Hana got to meet her cousin Lani, who I hadn't seen since she was about five years old. She's now 14. That was a real treat. We also had a get together with some friends from high school and their families.
You can see Hana was ready to chest bump her new friend Sydney, who is exactly two months younger, but has much more hair. She also liked meeting Charlie, the Howorth family's new puppy.
We spent a lot of time outside. We walked almost everyday. Hana loves going for walks in the baby bjorn or her Daddy's backpack.
She's also giggling. Here's a fit of laughter prompted by Grandpa.
Hana is getting very good with her hands. She can pull her pacifier out and put it back in. She also transfers objects from one hand to the other. We really noticed on vacation how focused she can be on the things around her. She loved reaching out and touching the plants and flowers. She's become increasingly interested in toys, especially chewing on them. We love watching her explore her world.
So, it's back to work and Hana's social schedule. We'll be starting another session of baby ballroom next week and getting back to ECFE class. We're so thankful we had the chance to spend time with so many wonderful friends and family members. We hope to see them again soon.
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