Again, I've let too much time lapse between posts. Hana is one now! She's changing so much everyday. But, the biggest thing is she's now walking. She started walking across the livingroom on October 17th, the evening after her birthday party. Before that, it was just a couple of steps at a time. She's getting more confident everyday. Hana is also a climber. She loves to climb all over people and there's almost nothing that gets in her way.
Since, the last update, we had a fun visit to the pumpkin patch. The same one Mieko visited in fall of 2007. As always, Hana enjoyed the goats. It was a beautiful fall day and at that time still sunny and warm.
Hana's first birthday party was a blast. We celebrated at the Eagle's Nest indoor playground. As you can tell, Hana really enjoyed her cake. We were so happy to have many friends a family members with us. Hana also shared some of her birthday balloons with Mieko. We let them go at her tree.
Here are Hana's newest stats from her 12 month check-up. She weighs 20 pounds 7 ounces and is 29.3 inches long. Though she's only in the 34% for weight, she seems to be eating well. She really enjoys feeding herself and eats almost everything. She's not too excited about green vegetables, but she loves fruit, pasta, and pancakes.
She's also able to use her sippy cup now on her own. Hana is still babbling a lot, but we haven't heard any words yet. She's keeping very busy with music class, early childhood family ed., and this week she starts water babies. Hana is a very physical child and doesn't sit still for very long. It's really an adjustment for us, since we never had to worry about what Mieko was getting into or where she was going. At first, I thought all typical kids must be like Hana, but now that we're in group activities, I'm realizing she's more boisterous than a lot of other kids. She's also very curious, which is wonderful to see.
WHAT A CUTIE! Can't wait until you bring her to knitting again!
She is so cute. I hope you are enjoying every minutes.
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