Let's see... we spent Spring Break visiting Grandma and Grandpa in California.
We took the kitties and all of their medications along and everything went well for them. Hana got some kind of unknown infection and ended up in urgent care with IV antibiotics for part of the trip.
We still had a great seeing friends and family in LA and SD.
I wrapped up my St. Paul schools job in June and continued with WCCO-TV through the summer. However, for those who don't already know, I left the station in September to start my student teaching. I've just finished up the preschool practicum and I'm starting seven weeks doing home visits with the birth to three program. I will be licensed as an early childhood special education teacher by mid-December. Yay!
Getting back to the catch up... Hana had a great summer. She and Daddy spent a lot of time at Cascade Bay water park while Mommy was at summer school at St. Thomas. She also played in the parks and went to visit her aunts and uncles in Detroit Lakes. We had a fun reunion with Uncle Dave and his family in August. We also attended the SOFT conference in Sioux Falls and released balloons for Mieko.
Hana started full-time daycare in the fall. She seems to be enjoying it, although she was kind of the class bully at first. She has since learned more about getting along with others (we hope). Hana remains a very active child. She loves running, climbing and jumping. We had been concerned about her speech development, but that seems to be improving. When she hit about 20-22 months she started saying many more single words. By then, she had about a hundred words. When she was 18 months, she was really only saying about three words. Now, she is putting two and three words together and expressing her wants and needs pretty well. Her favorite phrase this weekend was "Wow, whas dat?" Hana is a happy girl most of the time. She is also quite stubborn and knows how to throw a two-year-old fit.
Hana had her second birthday party at the Minnesota Children's Museum. She enjoyed the cake and presents and running around the party room. Then, everyone found their favorite thing to do at the museum. Hana also had her first haircut a couple of weeks before her birthday. The sucker got her through the whole experience.
At Hana's 2 year check-up , she weighed 27.2 pounds (57%) and was 34.1 inches tall (85%). We are fortunate she's a healthy girl, although several new bugs at daycare caused some problems.
Our doctor said kids are usually sick 21 of the first 28 days in a new daycare. I had no idea! But, daycare has been great for Hana's socialization and development. She's singing songs and reciting the alphabet. She can also count to 14. It's not all daycare. Daddy reads with her everyday, which is one of her favorite activities.
Shawn has been very busy with his position as secondary Vice-President of the Osseo Teachers' Union. He's also teaching both Sophomore and Junior English this year. I have a new found respect for all teachers after my first classroom experience as a student teacher. I had no idea how much work and energy it takes to keep everything running smoothly and meet everyone's educational needs.
Whew! I think that wraps up what we've been doing for the past several months. Hana enjoyed her first door-t0-door trick or treating experience. Garrison Keillor even gave her some M&Ms. But, she was a little scared of him and almost all the other adults in costume. Our little sharky sure was happy with the candy!
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